Tales from Hallowed Ground: Tom The Tramp



Still inspired by the Liberty County Historical Commission’s “Whispers of the Past,” I find myself wanting to bring a few stories from my own county’s cemeteries to light. This is why I want to start a new topic about the inhabitants of cemeteries, which will hopefully feature on this blog once a month. There are many stories out there, hidden away in our hallowed grounds, and I for one am interested in bringing these stories, legends, and tales to the fore. I would also love your input, so please leave your suggestions, stories, and comments on the Rediscovering SETX Facebook page or email me at rediscoveringsetx@gmail.com.

Roaming through the hilly terrain of one of Beaumont’s oldest cemeteries, I passed many obelisks, mausoleums, and other monuments dedicated to the “who was who” of Beaumont’s 175-year existence—each edifice undoubtedly clutching a story that’s waiting to be told. However, let us sidestep our SETX citizens at this time in favor of a hero who became a permanent resident of the Magnolia Cemetery too soon.

Because the Great Storm of 1900 took many lives and devastated Galveston’s shore, most forget that the residents of Bolivar Peninsula also shared the same fate, and this is where our story begins.

Alice and Frank Keith were two prominent names in old Beaumont, not least because Frank owned the Keith Lumber Company. On September 8th of 1900, Alice and Frank were in New York while their two daughters, Alice and Olga, stayed with relatives at a hotel in Patton Beach (now named Crystal Beach). As the storm worsened, Mrs. Irwin, the hotel manager, and an employee, Tom, nicknamed “Tom the Tramp,” thought it would be safer for the Keith’s daughters to ride the storm out in another house near the hotel.

Unfortunately the severity of the storm proved too much for the structure, and the house began to break up. Mrs. Irwin picked up Alice, and taking Olga’s hand to hers, headed for another house. As they departed, a large wave knocked Alice out. Mrs. Irwin managed to hold onto the girl, but Olga was separated from her. As if by fate, Tom swiftly retrieved Olga from the water and gave her back to Mrs. Irwin. He then took Alice and began to roll her back and forth over his shoulder, which revived her. As the storm raged on, the four again sought shelter in the house. Luckily, they all survived.

Both Frank and Alice were unaware of their daughters’ struggle for survival, but I’m sure they were devastated when they read a story in a New York newspaper that reported that their daughters had perished. However, as we already know, the newspaper was fortunately wrong, and the Keith’s were able to hold their daughters once again and hear the tale of heroism of the girls’ two saviors. Indeed, the Keith’s were so grateful to the two that they offered them each a house, which Tom accepted.

This would have made for a happy ending to a great story, but sadly in 1909, Tom kicked over an oil lamp while having a seizure and burned to death in his house. Ever grateful for his heroism, Frank and Alice laid him to rest in their family plot at Magnolia Cemetery with the name they knew him by and a tribute befitting of their hero:


The Tramp

Died December 5, 1909

“He alone is great, who by an act heroic, renders a real service.”


Source: Judy Linsley

A Look Back and a Look Forward


2013 was a grand year for me here at Rediscovering Southeast Texas. I had the opportunity to explore many wonderful places and meet countless interesting people. I believe that with your help, 2014 will be even better. SETX has a rich history, and I would like to share it with as many people as possible. Your input is important, and I welcome your suggestions, insights, and stories.

The Houses:

Dolls and Train at Rose Hill ManorRose Hill Manor is a Port Arthur treasure that I had never visited—until 2013. To find out that Donia Thibodeaux’s doll collection is on display there brought back scores of memories. I knew Mrs. Thibodeaux back in the 1990s and found her to be the nicest of individuals who was also most informative about the old Port Arthur.

“The reason Griffin Park roads are the way they are is because they were once wagon trails. You can’t turn a wagon on a dime. You have to make a wide swing.” Thanks, Mrs. Thibodeaux, you are missed.IMG_1233

The Women’s Club of Beaumont is a place that I have passed many times, but it wasn’t until 2013 that I finally got to see inside. Thank you, Mrs. Walker- King, for the invite. Over its 100-plus years, the who’s who of Beaumont have been associated with this house in one way or another. I’m glad it’s in good hands.

It goes without saying that the Chambers, French, and McFaddin-Ward houses were a favorite stop as well.

The Museums:

IMG_57782013 also brought us a new museum. The Museum of Hardin County, located in Kountze, opened its doors in August, and what a fantastic source of SETX history this is for all of us to cherish. Not only does it show all Hardin County’s history, but it is a valuable repository for neighboring counties as well.

Speaking of Hardin County, I was invited to the Terry Bertha Cromwell Museum in Sour Lake in October. This is another destination that everyone who is interested in SETX history should frequent. From the birth of Texaco to the old Hardin County jail, it’s all on display. My favorites are the photographs—I particularly love the old photos of the early Hardin County families.Sour Lake Jail

The History:

This year I found out about the origin of the name Beauxart Gardens, located in Mid-Jefferson County, as well as life in Port Arthur during World War II. These insights were shared by two people who experienced life in the 30s and 40s firsthand. I found their stories irresistible and would love to hear more. Do you know someone with a story to tell? My contact info is at the end of this article.IMG_1428

2013 was also the 100th anniversary of the Interurban. The Interurban was an electric train that ran between Port Arthur and Beaumont from December 15, 1913, to August 15, 1932. This is a subject that I would like to investigate further in the future.

The Events:

Line at Wehmeyer HouseCertainly many events took place in SETX last year. One of my favorites was the Galveston Historic Homes Tour. There were nine notable private homes on display for all of us to experience and enjoy, but the 10th, which you might remember as being the cause of the Great Bootie Debacle, was simple, modern, and dangerous. Yep, it’s always those folk who screw up a tour. Just say “no” to tours involving booties. They may just get you into trouble.

Orangefield 2In 2013, Orangefield turned 100, and what a celebration these fine folks put on. The Cormier Museum was also open for people to browse through and enjoy. Another highlight was a visit from the Big Thicket Outlaws. Tejano and clan always put on a good show.IMG_6720

2013 was also a year of remembrance for American history. It marked the sesquicentennial of many of the War against the States battles, and Sabine Pass was no exception.  The 50th anniversary of Dick Dowling Days and the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Sabine Pass drew many spectators and reenactors—both foreign and domestic—and was a huge success. I personally met a lot of new and fascinating people. Indeed, I never knew what really went into reenacting, but after talking to a few accomplished living historians, I now realize that it involves a substantial amount of time and effort.

Texas fight DDD2013For that reason, I would like to say what a tremendous job the members of the Dick Dowling Camp #1295 and the Kate Dorman OCR Chapter 11 did in making this event possible. Some members certainly went above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks especially to Mr. Michael McGreevy.

Jane Long Days in Bolivar brought many things, too. I was particularly glad to see such a fine lady remembered as such. The new memorial, located at the entrance to Fort Travis, is one of a kind, and I was happy to see a few Texan reenactors at this event. Another gift, brought to us by the Galveston Historical Commission, was the opening of Battery 236. This structure, built in the 1940s during WWII, is not the only fortification on the peninsula—two more had previously been built in 1898, and another in 1917.IMG_8307

Shangri La in Orange has always been a favorite of mine. I especially love the Scarecrow Festival (in October) and the Evening Strolls (in December). There is always something to see in this astonishing place, especially if you are into wildlife photography. IMG_1879

IMG_9580The Liberty County Historical Commission put on “Whispers from the Past” in October, both as a fundraiser and to promote their rich heritage. I hope this becomes a yearly event because it really inspired me to search my own backyard (so to speak). Whether it’s Magnolia Cemetery (Beaumont), Greenlawn (Port Arthur), or Oak Bluff (Port Neches), there are stories waiting to be told. So stay tuned!

One of my highlights of 2013 was undoubtedly the new discoveries in my research into Florence Stratton’s life. After 14 months’ investigation, I can now finally say that her birthdate is March 21, 1881. I discovered two mentions of this in her column, “Susie Spindletop’s Weekly Letter.” Furthermore, a descendent from the Stephens/Stevens family kindly donated 62 letters from Asa Evan Stratton (Florence’s father), Asa’s brother, and Emily (Florence’s older sister), to the Tyrrell Historical Library. Thanks to a letter written by Emily, dated February 1883, along with the 1900 census record, I was finally able to confirm that Florence was born in 1881 and to therefore dismiss Eunice’s (Florence’s niece) account in the Texas Historical and Biographical Record that Florence was born in 1883. Yes, it’s a relatively minuscule detail, but if one is doing historical preservation, I believe this type of information needs to be correct.fs14


I am looking forward to this New Year and all that it holds. If you have a story, know of a legend, or have any interesting historical treasures to share, I would love to hear from you. I am also looking for historical houses, old cemeteries, and museums that many people may not know about.

Here’s to you, SETX! Thank you for your continued interest and support.

My Contact information: rediscoveringsetx@gmail.com

Where to find us


Whispers from Liberty County


It seems I’ve been spending a lot of time in cemeteries lately. Of course, with Halloween just past, it is the time of year to remember our ancestors, friends, and those whose memories we cherish and who have passed on to lay the groundwork for when we join them. It also helps to pique one’s interest in their lives when the living honor them by holding a tribute of sorts. This is what the Liberty County Historical Commission did last weekend, and boy, was it a special!

Whispers from the Past… Tales and Tours from the Liberty City Cemetery was an event that I found intriguing and enjoyed wholeheartedly. It also got me thinking that each county—or city—could do the same as these fine folks and bring their history alive for all to see. But as always it will come down to volunteers, volunteers, and more volunteers.

I was very impressed with the actors. Not only did they do an impressive job of taking us back in time, but they revealed their passion for their characters by providing us with insights into these people’s lives. It’s hard to choose the best story to share. In all honesty, all the stories were fantastic when told in this way. Here are a few examples:

Ephraim Jesse Crain, portrayed by Cody AbshireIMG_9605

This individual endured a hard life, but when he was handed lemons, Ephraim made lemonade.

Born on a plantation in Louisiana in 1836 (or 1837), Ephraim lost his father at the age of eight but was lucky to have a caring stepfather who made sure he received an education. Ephraim got married at age 22 although his wife sadly passed on three years later.

During the War Between the States, Ephraim fought for the Confederates, even participating in the Battle of Gettysburg, where he saw much death and destruction. Afterwards, he walked back to Louisiana from Virginia, seeing firsthand how the war had ravaged the land and the toll it had taken on its people.

After returning to the plantation, Ephraim tried to get it running again but went bankrupt. Later he travelled to Natchitoches where he met his second wife, Corinne. They set out together for greener pastures in Houston but ended up settling in Liberty after hearing about Houston’s yellow fever epidemic. They are buried side by side in the Liberty City Cemetery.

IMG_9609Col. E. B. Pickett, portrayed by Bob Sherer

Colonel Pickett was born in Wilson County, Tennessee, in 1826. In 1848 he served in the U.S. Army during the Mexican–American War. After the War he married Virginia Bell and immediately relocated to Liberty County, Texas, where he started practicing law.

During the War Between the States, he joined the Confederate Army, but he and his regiment were captured in Arkansas. He spent one-and-a-half to two years in a prisoner-of-war camp but was released during a prisoner exchange. With the death of his wife in 1864, Col. Pickett immersed himself in his work. He became a familiar figure in the political world and served in the Texas Senate from 1870 to 1874.

Colonel E. B. Pickett died in 1882, but his descendants continue to live in Liberty County.

Katherine Nolan, portrayed by Deborah PickettIMG_9620

Katherine Butler, who was known as Kate, was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1827. When she was nine, a wealthy cousin took an interest in her and saw to it that she received an education. She studied many languages, including French, Italian, and German.

Kate met an Irish widower from Texas named William Nolan, and after a six-week courtship, they were married. They sailed to Galveston in 1850 and then moved to Richmond, Texas. Between the harshness of the land, the Indians, and the mosquitoes, her new surroundings didn’t sit well with Kate. But William, his library, and musical instruments helped her persevere.

Despite many hard times, the couple both survived, finally ending up in Liberty, thanks to the Catholic Bishop who offered them an opportunity to open a school there. Kate and William taught at the school for about eight years before moving back to Richmond in 1875. Sadly William died two years later, so Kate went to live with her daughter in Liberty where she taught music and lived out the remainder of her life. Kate died in 1904.

Other stories from the Whispers from the Past event that I want to delve into at a later date are:

IMG_9685“Little Miss Rose,” the Runaway Scrape child, portrayed by Alana Inman

Capt. William Duncan and Celima DeBlanc Duncan, portrayed by Don Smart and Darlene Mott

James Madison Hall, portrayed by Kevin Ladd

Thomas Blake Smith, portrayed by Neal Thorton

Col. Franklin Hardin and Cynthia O’Brien Hardin, portrayed by Eric and Glenda Sandifer

IMG_9686All proceeds from Whispers from the Past… Tales and Tours from the Liberty City Cemetery go to the Liberty County Historical Commission.

This was indeed an event that I will attend again next year. Once more, I commend all who participated… You did a magnificent job!

More photos :



Bertha Terry Cornwell Museum / Sour Lake

IMG_7840   Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the Cornwell Museum, along with some of Sour Lake’s other historic sites. I will say once again that there is so much to see and learn in Hardin County, and its oldest surviving city is certainly filled with history. Sour Lake was settled in 1835 when Stephen Jackson was granted the land by the Mexican State of Coahuilla. The name itself is derived from the sulfurous spring water, which was abundant in the area at the time. These mineral wells would play a big part in the area’s early years. In fact, a health resort was constructed around them, complete with bath houses and a fine hotel. Sam Houston was a frequent visitor here in his later years and liked to indulge in the healing properties of the wells. There were even plans to build a glorious spa, but in 1903, all that changed.IMG_7845 If you do a search for The Texas Company, you will see that it was founded in Beaumont, but a company without a product doesn’t have much leg to stand on. Luckily, The Texas Company Fee No. 3 in Sour Lake struck oil on January 8, 1903, and so began Texaco’s rise as a major oil producer. IMG_7861The Bertha Terry Cornwell Museum is a treasure trove of artifacts and photos. These range from The Texas Company history to the founding families that established the commercial side of Sour Lake. One could spend numerous hours looking through the Museum’s vast collection—so vast in fact that the curators cannot put it all on display. But it is there for historians and history seekers such as myself to enjoy and learn from. Indeed, I would like to extend a big thank you to the curator and the others who made my visit so enjoyable. Their knowledge is immeasurable and the time they spent sharing this with me is greatly appreciated. Also on the property are Hardin County’s original jail cells, which were in use from 1870 to 1888. These were also subsequently utilized between 1903 and 1965 as Hardin County’s sub-jail cells.IMG_7868 My exploration included a walk through downtown Sour Lake, and I was delighted to see the charming murals on some of its finely restored buildings. It would seem that the people of Sour Lake have done a fantastic job of preserving its history, and I for one thank them for their efforts and hope to frequent this part of SETX more often. IMG_7898

The Cornwell Museum is located at 300 South Ann St. behind the Alma M. Carpenter Bldg.

 Click on the link below to see more photos.


Dick Dowling Days 2013



Now that the sesquicentennial of the Battle of Sabine Pass and the 50th anniversary of Dick Dowling Days has come and gone, I sit in front of this keyboard in remembrance—remembrance not of the battle itself or our history, but of the people involved in this year’s events. Whether they be the re-enactors or the historians or its proud planners, for whom I have an enormous amount of respect, especially after this celebration. I contributed only a minuscule part behind the scenes with the writing of the press release, and this pales in comparison to the sleepless nights and long volunteer days and nights that these few people put forth to make this event a success. They are to be commended and saluted. You all did an outstanding job!DSC06578

Please enjoy the photos on our Flickr page.


I will also be posting a few videos of the battles and scenarios on our youtube page.

Museum of Hardin County

Museum of Hardin County


A lot of new things are afoot in Hardin County. I’ve wanted to explore the history of my northern neighbors for quite some time now, and I found a treasure trove of contacts, historians, and awesome people who love their part of SETX. I was overjoyed to be on hand at the ribbon cutting of the new museum at 830 Maple Street in Kountze, Texas, and I was definitely not alone in the celebration. Many locals pitched up to see just what these determined citizens had established. All I can say is that the Hardin County Genealogical Society and Library (HCGS) has done a fantastic job. I know that loads of hard work went into the creation of this treasured site, which will not only benefit the citizens of Hardin County, but all the people of SETX as well.IMG_5813

The museum is located in the old Hardin County State Bank building, which was built circa 1916. Purchased in 2009 by the HCGS, the building’s renovation was undertaken by its volunteers and funded through donations, grants, and proceeds from book sales. As an aside, I will add that I do love Renée Hart Wells’ book, Hardin County: A Pictorial History. It is one of my favorites in my growing library of SETX authors. It is also one of the books whose sales have funded this project. Mrs. Wells has written a new book, Hardin County: Timeless Treasures, which is also available for purchase at the museum. It will certainly be my next purchase.

IMG_5846The second floor of the museum houses the Hardin County Historical Commission. It has been refurbished and transformed into a grand meeting place for its members.

Overall, the museum is an excellent venue for anyone looking for historic information on Hardin County. The people I met there seemed eager to promote their vast heritage, and I for one place high value on the work they are doing. I look forward with great anticipation to hearing more about the developments in Hardin County and rediscovering this part of SETX.IMG_5795




Beaumont Police Department Museum



I recently visited a museum that is not well known although, if you’re a SETX elementary teacher or student, you may be familiar with it. I visited the Beaumont Police Department’s History Museum, and boy, was I amazed at the range of artifacts, historical photos, and weapons on display at what was once the old Beaumont jail.DSC05317

It made me think back to the 1970s when I attended school in Port Arthur. As fourth or fifth graders, my classmates and I toured the Port Arthur jail. My only recollection of this was a prisoner, who was probably a frequent visitor, talking to us through the cell bars and telling us that crime doesn’t pay, and we mustn’t allow ourselves to end up in prison. To a young child, this was a definite deterrent, but we never really learned anything of historical value that I can remember. Truth be told, the Port Arthur Police Department may also have a museum and tours, but I have yet to revisit the venue of my juvenile field trip.

DSC05318My first impression of this Beaumont tour without a doubt was one of amazement at the volume of historical content and artifacts that these slim halls possess. Whether it’s the badges, well-preserved uniforms, or the multiple armaments that criminals have donated over the years, this assortment of crime paraphernalia would make any collector drool.

Another enjoyable display was of the countless mug shots that our not-so-model citizens have generously donated, along with descriptions of the plethora of their crimes. From knob knocking (stealing and then breaking into a safe) and close-line thievery, to even voodoo (presumably not the well-intentioned kind), it was definitely a glimpse into a different time.DSC05322

My main objective for this trip was to delve into Beaumont’s early history of law enforcement, and as I’ve already said, the Beaumont officials have done a wonderful job of bringing the past to life. As you take the tour, there is much to absorb. There is a lot of personal history about officers long since passed, who in their humble way made a difference in the community.

DSC05316In my opinion, this is a must-see for anyone with a desire for knowledge about local history, and I for one will return to take a more extensive look at those officers whose stories I believe need to be told.DSC05320

Interurban Railway

Interurban Railcar

While browsing through old files of newspaper articles and photos at the Jefferson County Historical Commission I noticed the repeated mention of a train that travelled between Beaumont and Port Arthur. This is not unexpected since Port Arthur’s existence is owed to Arthur Stilwell’s dream of building a railroad between Kansas City and the Gulf coast. In fact, railroads were in place in this area even before the Civil War, but this particular railroad was different. And that is where our journey begins.

In the early 1900s, both Port Arthur and Beaumont were thriving. Oil had surpassed cattle and lumber as the major export of SETX, and many people had come here at the turn of the century to earn a better living. A burgeoning industry as well as a growing population had given rise to the need for transportation between the two cities, and in 1913, Jefferson County residents received a gem. DSC05506

Electric Interurban Railways had slowly been creeping into existence around the turn of the century, and in November of 1911, SETX would also benefit from this thanks to a Boston engineering company called the Stone and Webster Corporation (SWC). The SWC purchased the Beaumont Ice, Light, and Refrigeration Company, which later became the Beaumont Electric Light and Power Company, along with the Port Arthur Water Company, which became Port Arthur Power and Light Company, a year later. Both companies would be under the control of the Eastern Texas Electric Company (of Maine), a holding Company formed by the SWC.

In July of 1913, the SWC purchased the Beaumont Traction Company, thus acquiring 12 miles of track, the overhead electric lines, 20 passenger cars, and a car barn. This, along with the formation of the Jefferson County Traction Company, laid the groundwork for a rail system between Beaumont and Port Arthur. Acquiring the right of way through the county was a simple task since most of the landowners and farmers welcomed the idea of easy transportation to and from the cities. Most gave the required land away or sold it for a mere dollar.

The Interurban made its debut on December 15, 1913, much to the delight of the many local residents who would make use of its services rather than travel by horseback or wagon. The train would make 19 trips per day with an early start of 5:45 am and a midnight finish. Tickets cost 90 cents for a roundtrip or 50 cents one way and were prorated for the 10 stops between the two cities. Stops along the way included South Park, Spindletop, Nederland, Rice Farm, and Griffing/ Pear Ridge.

DSC05656Certainly the railway was a great asset to Jefferson County during its run, and in 1915, it aided the fleeing residents of Port Arthur during a hurricane until a power outage stranded the train. Some passengers rode out the storm, spending a total of 12 hours in the rail cars.

The Interurban and the elements collided at other times, too. In the Beaumont Enterprise dated December 21st, 1924, it was reported that an ice storm hit the area damaging some of the electric lines and leaving the street car service at a standstill until workers could repair the lines.

Finally in August of 1932, the Interurban railway made its final departure, ending 19 years of service. Although it had survived hurricanes, ice storms, and other element-related hardships, it could not survive progress. By the 1930s, private ownership of cars, and a bus system ultimately shutdown the need for a passenger railway between Beaumont and Port Arthur.

Sources: J.W. McManus, Handbook of Texas Online, Beaumont Enterprise (1924), and the Jefferson County Historical Commission.


Life in Jefferson County during World War II

home front

It was a dark time as war spread throughout the world. Sons and even daughters from all walks of life answered the call and left SETX to unselfishly put their lives in danger for a united cause. Some would return a few years later while others made the ultimate sacrifice. On the home front, many did their part in conserving, rationing, and doing whatever else it took to aid the war effort.

During the war there was always a more legitimate threat here compared to inland areas. In the 1940s, Southeast Texas was known for its refineries and shipbuilding. Two major concerns plagued the minds of residents often: U-boats and sabotage. German submarines were a reality along the Gulf coast and sank many ships, costing numerous lives. Fortunately sabotage was only a concern and not a reality in the daily lives of the workers at the area’s refineries.

Doing my research of this time, I noticed mention of victory gardens sprouting up around the country, and the same could be said here although most people in our area already had gardens and fruit trees, which they had tended to since the days of the Depression.

For most residents, life was as normal as it could be under the circumstances. Unfortunately, air raid drills and an absence of lights at night were the norm. In addition, if you lived near the railroad tracks, especially where the tank cars were stored, you were guaranteed that on moonless nights, tank cars would be maneuvered, loaded with fuel and moved north. Obviously, the movement could not be detected from the air in the pitch blackness. Luckily our area, as with the entire mainland, never experienced an aerial attack.

Residents’ news sources were limited during the war. Of course, the daily paper was the main source of information for most, but many people also had radios, which they gathered around each evening to hear the news of the day. News reels at the theater were another popular news resource, but to some of the common folk, a trip to the movies was rare.

After sitting down with a few people and listening to their accounts of this time, I can’t help but feel a sense of admiration. Yes, these were troubled times, but they forged ahead and rose to each and every challenge. To have lived through the Depression and a world war is a immense feat. The people of this time were, and are, our greatest generation.


Rediscovering You’re One Year Old


With the conclusion of the 39th Annual Galveston Historic Homes Tour, I can’t help but notice that it has been one year since this blog began. The people I have met, the places I have seen, and the history I have learned have been priceless. In reflecting on this past year, I find myself asking: where should I begin?

The Peoplefs14

Certainly there are many people who deserve a spot in my wishful “if I could go back in time and talk to” roundtable discussion. Two obvious candidates who would be high on my list are Kate Dorman and Florence Stratton, both of whom I did not know of before early April 2012. I will refrain from adding the other eight in light of a future blog.

One of the most interesting lives that I have stumbled upon certainly has to be that of Blind Willie. Something about being at my first Jefferson County Historical Commission meeting and hearing his name enticed me to find out just how this Beaumont resident had contributed to music.BlindWillieJohnson

Later, I delved into Richard William Dowling’s life beyond the battles he fought. Although such a young man, he accomplished a great deal. Indeed, if he had lived longer, his run of prosperity would surely have continued, and some say he might probably even have run for governor of Texas. Unfortunately we will never know the impact of what could have been. 0_DickDowling





The Places

FountainThis blog was created in part because I wanted to cast a spotlight on some of the great treasures that we have in SETX. Not forgetting the three gems in Port Arthur, namely, the Pompeiian Villa, the Vuylsteke, and White Haven, I will say that Beaumont’s Chambers House is my favorite hands-down. All these places have a certain mystique about them, which I love.

I was also thrilled to learn of the Neches River Adventure Tour, and thoroughly enjoyed the rich beauty of our area when I took a trip down the Neches River and spent time amongst the cypress trees.DSC02289

One of my favorite explorations has to be the Jefferson County Courthouse. All thirteen floors, including the old jail, revealed yet another part of our history that I never knew existed.JC Courthouse Jail


The History

SETX has its share of historical significance, and I was able to delve into just a small portion of it over the past year. From the discovery of stalags throughout Texas, including Jefferson and Orange counties, to a civil war battle in Sabine Pass and the majestic lighthouse, which stood guard for nearly 100 years. I also explored the destructive aspect of living on the Gulf coast via our tropical storm history.100.jpg

Legends of our past, like Kisselpoo or Bragg Road, have had a fascinating hold on this researcher when digging for the root of the source.

Learning of the existence and disappearance of an oil pond just off the coast of Texas Point filled me with many more questions, including whether or not Spindletop had a hand in its disappearance.

The Future

This has been an epic year in terms of my thirst for both discovering and rediscovering SETX’s past, and I see much of the same in the next year. I will certainly be exploring Orange and Hardin counties a bit more.

As importantly however, I would like to know what you would like to see here, whether it is the houses, museums, people, or history. You can contact me by email rediscoveringsetx@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can also leave a comment on our Facebook page or @RediscoveringSE on Twitter. Here’s to another great year rediscovering SETX!